Energy, Water, and Land Use: A Framework for Incorporating Scientific Information into Sustainability Planning
University of MassachusettsAmherst
PioneerValley Planning Commission
Meeting #4
Wednesday, February 27th 2007
8:00 – 8:30 Informal Networking / Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00 Formal Networking – Members converse and share local efforts
(EG- “ Pioneer Valley Summit on Sustainable Investment).
9:00 – 9:45 Initial meeting and discussion by the Pioneer Valley Sustainability Committee (PVSC)
– This is intended to be an open discussion focused on what type of efforts the Committee would like to be involved in separate from the Grant Funded Effort.
– We need to ask how we can work together to create a real PVSC?
– What are important Pioneer Valley Sustainability Issues to be addressed?
– What we need to do, how do we need to work together beyond and separate from the EPA funded project?
– What can we do with all the great energy and people which are focused around “Sustainability Efforts” across the Pioneer Valley?
9:45 – 10:00 Creation of a PVSC Executive Committee and define its new role
10:00 – 11:00 EPA Grant Effort Updates
– Update from Erin Baker – Support Tool for local officials concerning energy related decisions.
– Update from Rick Taupier – Sustainability Indicators
– Update from Catherine Miller – Sustainability Art Contest
May 14, 2008—next meeting
El Mercado—413 Main Street Holyoke
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate actively in the formation of the Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network. We are extremely grateful for your time and energy.
Please contact Catherine Miller at or 413/781-6045 if you have any questions about the project, the meeting or anything else.