Hosting the winning art work

“The Table Set for Forever” is a portable, multi-media, installation piece that honors existing individual and collective efforts at sustainability while engaging the viewer/participant with questions, ideas, images and visual metaphors related to sustainability in our region. Your community can host the artwork in a public location for one month. During that month, you can arrange a lecture/reception to meet the artist, local Jane Wegscheider, who has agreed to come out to communities to talk about the creative process that brought this inspiring piece to life.

Location criteria for the art:

  • Secure location with oversight, monitoring
  • Public Place- Library, town hall, etc.
  • Length of stay 1 month
  • No outdoor venues
  • No sitting on the chairs
  • Minimum area needed for installation 10’ X 10’

**We will deliver the artwork to the prearranged time and location. The setup time is approximately 1 hour** 

If you are interested in hosting this artistic representation of sustainability in your community call or email Catherine Miller at 413-781-6045.

Scheduled Locations for the Artwork Calendar

Month Location
January Northampton Town Hall 
February Greenfield

Art of Sustainability

Theme: Sustainability in the Pioneer Valley—what is it?  what does it look like? sound like? etc…what are the causes of unsustainable behavior? What are the benefits of sustainable living? The scope of this contest is deliberately broad–we want your ideas…

Description and Background: Artists and inventors throughout the Pioneer Valley (Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden counties), Massachusetts, are invited to submit their ideas and concepts for a project that will result in a representation of sustainability.  Ideas can be described visually (through sketches, models, sculpture, video etc.) and verbally.  This first stage of the contest involves only concepts; not finished artwork or productions.

Purpose: The goal of this contest is to stimulate thought and action on sustainability in the Pioneer Valley. The idea of sustainability dates back more than 35 years.  It was a key theme of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972.  The concept was coined explicitly to suggest that it was possible to achieve economic growth and industrialization without environmental damage.  In the ensuing decades, the concept of sustainability was progressively developed through the World Conservation Strategy (1980), the Brundtland Report (1987), and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio (1992).

Sustainability is both a goal and a concept.  As a goal, sustainability is an idea of a world where people care for and nurture the environment and one another as they carry out their day-to-day activities.  As a concept, sustainability calls for probing about limits on natural resources, capacities of ecosystems, and interactions among social, economic, political and environmental systems.  The central theme underlying this concept is working toward a sustainable quality of life, now and in the future.

Perhaps the most widely accepted definition of sustainability comes from the Brundtland Commission.  The Commission was convened by the United Nations in 1983 to address growing concern about the accelerating deterioration of the human environment and natural resources and the consequences of that deterioration for economic and social development.  The Commission defined “sustainability” as development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”   Enough for all forever.

The concept of sustainability presents us with exciting challenges.  It inspires all of us to work creatively toward moderating and changing our practices and behavior.  It feeds new ideas and passions about technological, economic, and social growth that are ecologically viable. 

Embracing all of this, what does sustainability in the Pioneer Valley look like, sound like, feel like? How can it be represented? Is it best articulated through a device, or through dance, music, film, sculpture, or two-dimensional design?  We invite you to show and tell us.

Funding: $1,000 for winning concept submission and significant exposure and recognition for ALL finalists.  Contest winner must agree to execute his/her winning idea and produce the final work with a $5,000 budget by September 30, 2008.

Criteria: The Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network is looking for project ideas that demonstrate the following: 

  1. effective communication about the concept of sustainability;
  2. creative use of materials (recycled, locally based, or sustainable in other ways);
  3. how the final work can be produced within the $5,000 award budget (include a budget) plus any other funding you have to realize your idea;
  4. how the final work will reach a large public audience here in the Pioneer Valley (include a plan);
  5. a spirit and intent that is positive;
  6. an artistic imagination;
  7. inspiration to thought and action on the part of the audience who experiences your art/invention.
  8. You must also be available to present your idea to the Judges on June 25, 2008 6:30-9 pm at the Academy of Music Theatre in Northampton


Judges for the contest will use the above criteria to evaluate all submissions. 

Judges: (click here to see bios)

ART: Hilary Price, Josh Simpson, Gina Beavers,

Media/outreach: Chris (Monty) Belmonte, Rus Peotter, Kristen Beam

Sustainability: Daniel Ross, David Starr, John Majercek,

Eligibility:  In the spirit of sustainability, this contest will be locally based in the Pioneer Valley.  Artists and inventors of all ages, backgrounds, training are encouraged to submit ideas—you must all live, work, or go to school in one of the cities or towns located in Hampden, Hampshire, or Franklin County.


Call for Submissions–IDEAS first

winner will receive up to $5,000 to create her/his idea

Sustainability—Enough for All Forever

Art/Invention Contest

Sponsored by

The Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network


Generously Supported by WGBY
Click here to View Submissions


The contest is over. Thank you for your interest–

“A Table Set For Forever” Jane Beatrice Wegscheider

“A Table Set For Forever”
Jane Beatrice Wegscheider- Winner of the 2008 Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network’s “Art of Sustainability” contest speaks about the project

Brief description: “A Table Set for Forever” is a portable, multi-media, installation piece that honors existing individual and collective efforts at sustainability while engaging the viewer/participant with questions, ideas, images and visual metaphors related to sustainability in our region.

Detail on Art work
“A Table Set For Forever” is a portable, multi-media, installation piece: a kind of permeable “room” that can be set up anywhere. The central visual motif is a table and six chairs. The table top is a garden-theme mosaic made of colored glass tiles and bits of broken plates (pique assiette technique). The mismatched (‘recycled”) wooden chairs are painted as blackboards, with questions related to sustainability in our region written on in colored chalk (and viewers are invited to contribute). Six free-standing curtain-like panels in portable frames are set up around the table. Each of the two-sided panels is made of a collage of seed-packets sewn together with images (both photographic and drawn/painted) and text derived from relevant literature and local community sources. The panels are set up around the table and chairs so that people can walk between and around them easily, in and out of the “room”.

An essential part of the piece is that it involved the participation of many other people in its process. The artist, Jane Beatrice Wegscheider, sent out and distributed (in local businesses, libraries, etc.) written requests for participation in the sustainability dialogue, beginning with the question: “What does sustainability mean to you?”

Jane solicited answers to these additional questions:

Do you feel motivated to live a more sustainable lifestyle? (and if so, what or who has motivated you?)
What are some of the things you do to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
What are some of the challenges of living a more sustainable lifestyle?
What ideas and solutions for sustainability have you considered?
(These could be dreams or inventions you have in your mind but haven’t tried yet…or things you’d like to do but don’t know how to yet.)
Do you have any questions that would challenge people to think about sustainability in a new way? (for example, “how much is enough?”)

And these answers informed the work.

The artist organized several dinner parties, featuring local food and great conversation about sustainability, as part of the development of the work of art. For each conversation, she brought together groups of six-10 people from varying segments of our communities to share their ideas and brainstorm further sustainability activism. These conversations were recorded and excerpts from them became the audio component of the installation, as well as source material for the seed-packet collage panels.

Jane Beatrice Wegscheider’s basic premise is that dialogue/conversation/the sharing of ideas (especially person to person) is essential to sustainable activism. Sharing thoughts and ideas around a shared meal is a way to combine activism with community-building. In the conversation about sustainability, we are also talking about basic needs and resources, of which, food is one primary need.

Jane is convinced that small actions need to be honored along with bigger systemic efforts. People change and accept change in different ways. Her aesthetic is generally an “accessible” one. The seed-packet “curtain”/panels will show the significance of ALL actions, ideas, questions, etc. that collectively add up. Even on their own these panels will be a stimulating and informative visual discussion.

the table as metaphor
the table as place
the table as community, family, the future
the table shared
the table abundant
the table as an edible landscape

Jane used the pique assiette technique (broken plate mosaic), along with the garden theme, to refer to the past that is a part of us.
The chairs have questions painted on them to represent the challenges of joining the sustainability discussion/dialogue/effort.
The “walls”/ “curtains”/ panels are permeable to suggest visually that this is not a behind-closed-doors conversation. The seed packets are a literal metaphor: seeds produce multiples of themselves. They symbolize growth and potential.
The installation is purposely portable, each element breaking down into carry-able pieces so that it can more easily become part of various local environments/public spaces: farmer’s markets, schools, outdoor cultural events, etc.

This installation is the first phase of this project. The second phase will involve developing the audio component further for web and radio and developing ways to use the installation to disseminate physical cards (for people to take with them) with ideas and information on them. (Jane imagines letter-pressed “information” on vegetable-shaped cards in bowls on the table.) The third phase will be the organization and facilitation of having the installation travel to schools, libraries, farmer’s markets and other public venues.

If you would like to host this work of art in your community.

Art Contest Submission by Derek Goodwin

The Vegan Bus Solar Installation   

by Derek Goodwin

The Vegan Bus is an existing art project in process. I created the project in 2007 and now have a group of friends helping with various aspects of the project collectively. We have a full size school bus that has been converted to run on waste vegetable oil (WVO) using a specialized kit from local company Greasecar. Our objective is to use the bus to go to events and schools to teach people about alternative sources of sustainable energy. Along with the WVO technology we want to showcase solar energy by installing photovoltaic panels on the top of the bus that would charge a bank of deep cell batteries and store enough energy to run various appliances and devices.

From Concept to Final Work
A minimum 260-Watt solar photovoltaic (PV) system will be added to the bus. Two or more solar panels (rated for RV and Marine use) will run along the top front of the bus. They will connect to a deep cycle battery system below the bus that will store the energy. The batteries will output to an inverter that will translate the energy from the 12 Volt Batteries into 120 Volt power. From the inverter a wiring system will distribute the power to outlets on the bus to power lights, refrigeration, computers, and a PA system we will use in our outreach.

But Is It Art?
I believe it will take vast acts of imagination to transform our civilizations to conscious and sustainable ones. It is the mission of the artist to help people transcend their traditions and evolutionary inertias. The concept of The Vegan Bus came to me when I had the epiphany that I was dreaming too small. I realized that the world needed a vehicle of transformation. An artistic statement on wheels that would attract people by its very nature and leave them with something to think about. An artwork they could admire from the outside, or climb aboard and engage. Added to that a group of performers and activists to convey the Sustainable Message in a variety of ways.

The Sustainable Message
As the name implies, The Vegan Bus does not eat animals. In a November of 2006 report the United Nations found that “rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases than driving cars”. This message is becoming more prevalent in mainstream media and is only the tip of the melting iceberg when it comes to the unsustainable practices of modern animal agriculture. Our message is that we need to put sustainable energy not only into our homes, vehicles and appliances but also into our own bodies. As vast populations such as China and India become more industrialized it is imperative that we turn towards sustainability both in energy sources and consumption. The Earth cannot support billions more people living the current US lifestyle. To that end The Vegan Bus’ mission is to promote solar and wind technologies, sustainable biofuels, and a plant-based diet.

Think Globally, Act Locally

As a citizen of Pioneer Valley I am committed to local outreach. The bus can travel to local events and schools to educate, and can also to transport local people to events near and far. With our network of musicians, dancers, hula hoopers and DJs we are able to have amazing local events that bring people together for fun while giving them an education at the same time. On any given day a giant school bus with solar panels will draw a crowd wherever it goes, and create a local buzz. I believe it will also be a presence in the Pioneer Valley that will inspire creativity and generate discussions around alternative fuels and a plant based lifestyle. With any luck it will even draw attention from the outside world to our progressive community.

More Information about The Vegan Bus Project at
A description of The Vegan Bus WVO Conversion:

1995 BFA in Fine Art Photography at the Rochester Institute of Technology
1997 Studied a certificate program in Computer Multimedia at Monroe Community College
2000-present Proprietor of Derek Goodwin Photography in Northampton, MA

A Short Biography Of My Vegan Activism:
Derek Goodwin has been a vegan since 1996 and is an advocate of using art and media to promote compassion and a cruelty-free lifestyle. As a photographer he is known internationally for his photographs of sanctuary farm animals. In 2000 he started a web-based community for vegan artists called In 2005 he began broadcasting an FM radio show and podcast about veganism called Vegan Radio out of Northampton, MA, which is now widely popular. Currently he is working on The Vegan Bus Project, which features a full-sized school bus that runs on waste vegetable oil and will be used to promote sustainable energy and a plant-based diet.

Recent Artistic Endeavors:

March 2008 “Heads 2 Hoops” exhibit at The Green Bean café in Northampton along with Megan E LaBonte.
June 7, 2008 Exhibit of cow photographs at The Twilight Tea Lounge in Brattleboro, VT
June 13, 2008 Farm Animal Photographs exhibited as part of the “Storefront Art Project” group show sponsored by local non-profit Commonwealth Center For Change (C3). Derek is a curator for the Storefront Art Project that will place art and artists into empty storefronts in Northampton, helping to enrich the culture of Pioneer Valley.

Art Contest Submission by Garret Connelly

Space-age Mud and Wattle

by Garrett Connelly

Brief description : An artistic sculptural media developed here in the Pioneer Valley to provide hundreds of millions of homes for and by the almost half billion people who earn less than one dollar per day.

Statement about submission :  Many years have been devoted to this project and now that it is complete there is a real mystery as to why something so obvious took so long.

In brief, all economic systems are based on continuous growth on a finite planet. Quantitatively this is mathematically impossible. The solution is to substitute quality for quantity. Growth of human culture is sustainable to infinity upon a finite planet qualitatively. One of the most interesting aspects of qualitative growth is redefinition of reward, I must mention here that I find it quite ironic to be here in New England for this: Reward in a sustainable, qualitative economy is heavily weighted toward fun; pure, innocent, childlike fun. This does not rule out interstellar and inter galactic travel, all humans look to the stars and dream of infinity as a natural type of inborn, genetic fun. Fun is everything but frivolous or evil.

Now we turn to the half billion people who earn about a dollar per day, plus the 2.5 billion who are economically stressed. There is no such thing as sustainability when this huge number of beautiful human souls live in continuous, nagging pain and anguish instead of fun. Dodge and turn as one might, put up gates, or build fences along borders; the welling pain and suffering of poverty will surely drag us all to oblivion and ultimate extinction. Sustainability of human culture includes all humans or none at all, there is no middle ground.

Space-age mud and wattle is a material that opens a synergistic relationship between universities and folk wisdom rooted in ancient forest and savannah. Here we bring together materials from the countryside and the laboratory for a crash program to train hundreds of millions to build for billions. And we must accomplish this task rapidly enough to save ourselves from certain environmental collapse. We seek synergy between those who will wish to improve their lives in a world where all the easy resources have been already been used and those who have advanced research labs ready to sift through millions upon millions of succeses and failures. I have been fortunate enough to test the genetic roots and truth of space-age mud and wattle at an orphanage filled with children who had no idea of my motives, beyond the obvious fact of providing necessities of life.

Build a sculptured shelter for under one thousand dollars of material costs, it will be framed with bamboo to simulate local trash saplings. This is an ongoing development project to provide the technology needed to house the almost half billion people who earn less than one dollar per day. This will be the fourth of the series used to develop this technology.

This particular structure will be a photo journal for an instruction manual and will be built slightly different than normal, it will be arranged so that it can be disassembled and moved for show in various locations. The relationship to sustainability here in the Pioneer Valley is as a tool for universities to train trainers
and skilled artisans, a crop of straight saplings can also be developed, and, if one looks with open eyes at the future, the structures themselves will eventually be of use here as well as in other parts of the world.

The frame material is bamboo connected with wrap joints, it can be seen here
The sheathing skin will be similar to this link

Many years have been devoted to this project and now that it is complete there is a real mystery as to why something so obvious took so long. In brief, all economic systems are based on continuous growth on a finite planet. Quantitatively this is mathematically impossible. The solution is to substitute quality for quantity. Growth of human culture is sustainable to infinity upon a finite planet qualitatively. One of the most interesting aspects of qualitative growth is redefinition of reward, I must mention here that I find it quite ironic to be here in New England for this: This contest is made possible through a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Reward in a sustainable, qualitative economy is heavily weighted toward fun; pure, innocent, childlike fun. This does not rule out interstellar and inter galactic travel, all humans look to the stars and dream of infinity as a natural type of inborn, genetic fun. Fun is everything but frivolous or evil.
Now we turn to the half billion people who earn about a dollar per day, plus the 2.5 billion who are economically stressed. There is no such thing as sustainability when this huge number of beautiful human souls live in continuous, nagging pain and anguish instead of fun. Dodge and turn as one might, put up gates, or build fences along borders; the welling pain and suffering of poverty will surely drag us all to oblivion and ultimate extinction. Sustainability of human culture includes all humans or none at all, there is no middle ground.

Space-age mud and wattle is a material that opens a synergistic relationship between universities and folk wisdom rooted in ancient forest and savannah. Here we bring together materials from the countryside and the laboratory for a crash program to train hundreds of millions to build for billions. And we must accomplish this task rapidly enough to save ourselves from certain environmental collapse. We seek synergy between those who will wish to improve their lives in a world where all the easy resources have been already been used and those who have advanced research labs ready to sift through millions upon millions of succeses and failures. I have been fortunate enough to test the genetic roots and truth of space-age mud and wattle at an orphanage filled with children who had no idea of my motives, beyond the obvious fact of providing necessities of life, the children were able to do the work with no training.

The final product with a $5000 budget will be to travel to a friendly place and locate a positive family who
needs a 400 square foot home made of space age mud and wattle. Such a home will be built and recorded photographically. A presentation will then be made into a textual manual for input to university art and engineering departments world wide, eventually the universities will discover materials which improve upon what is available now. Presentation to the people of the Pioneer Valley will hopefully stimulate investment in trainings of small scale entrepreneurs to carry this work to more and more countries.

Space-age mud and wattle is a supreme sculptural media. I took some time to backtrack into pure sculpture and write a manual in order to help a different group understand the material. Now I am almost ready to begin again directly with the human need for shelter. Although my schedule takes me away from the area on June 25, I remain doing exactly what the contest is about and I am very happy to discover you doing this important work.

Art Contest Submission by Maya Apfelbaum

Growing Green

L. Maya Apfelbaum

Maya at the Parade

Growing Greener is a multi-media performance piece for all ages. It includes a unique giant solar puppet, dance, visuals and interactive drama. It involves its audience members in facing the questions, sorting through the information, and deciding on doable actions that will help the Pioneer Valley become an increasingly sustainable and restorative region. Growing Greener’s public shows will tie into one or more relevant sustainable action projects co-led by an existing environmental group. Both the show and the follow-up project(s) will be video-recorded to air on TV, U-tube, and/or other media and — in turn — inspire others to learn more and take action towards co-creating a sustainable culture.

I understand and agree that any entry materials I submit become the property of the Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network – via project staff at the PVPC for use by it and its project partners working on sustainability issues throughout the Pioneer Valley. PVSN reserves the right to photograph and or copy any of the entries for reproduction and distribution. I understand that in all cases, credit will be given to the artist or inventor.

We are often bombarded with news about disasters-in-the-making and/or faced with experiences that tell us that change is afoot, prices for food and gas are soaring and water is no longer clean enough for our drinking or even swimming. We may try to integrate that information, push it away or avoid it. We numb out or struggle with decisions.
Performances have been used for centuries to move people, open their minds and hearts, raise awareness and inspire action. I am creating a simple yet powerful multi-media performance that accomplishes all the above while grappling with many aspects of building a sustainable society.

The primary characters in this piece are a man and a woman to whom we can all relate. They are conflicted between their desire for a consumer-oriented, American-Dream life-style and their growing awareness that the earth’s resources, climate and economic situation are calling for change. Our Characters (to be named later) are introduced to a magical being, a giant solar dancing puppet named Sunny Green (see photos), in Act One. Sunny Green serves as a Sustainability Spirit, reappearing and guiding them at tough moments throughout the performance until they finally join her.
In Act 2, our friends are confronted with dramatic and sometimes humorous vignettes of different but overlapping sustainability topics. They are challenged about local habitat and species loss; food production, storage and consumption patterns; our carbon footprints and global warming. They begin to take a look at alternative energy, transportation, building and lifestyle choices. 
In the final act our friends become clear that they want to take action on living in a sustainable way and influencing those around them. Issues left unresolved in Act 2 begin to find some answers and they join Sunny Green in planting symbolic seeds of hope and in compelling the audience to sign up for an upcoming local sustainability project or event. A soul transformation also is underway and a giant rainbow fish decorated with solar panels and recyclables such as broken glass and bottle caps swims out to celebrate the work underway and to leave us an evocative message about the daring, collaborative and innovative spirit we will need to cultivate to forge ahead.
I work with digital images and a projector; props, puppets and masks made from standard art materials combined with recyclables and scraps (including solar panels), versatile performers and a vast array of theatre, dance, visual and eco- arts skills, as well as community building and educational leadership strengths (see resume).

I will draw upon associations with NESEA, the Hitchcock Center, and the Deerfield and Connecticut River Watershed Councils to help me develop the informational content in the performance. My prior work with leaders in the education, arts, and sustainability fields will help me determine where to present the show and how to hitch the show to action. I intend to inspire new groups of people to become interested in sustainability and to spark new levels of empowerment in those already involved, so we all “grow greener”.


Maya Apfelbaum, M.A.

Professional Experience:
1997-2008    Director, Teacher and Artist.  Develop, supervise and teach programs in the creative arts, dance, theatre, environmental and outdoors education for children, youth, adults, and seniors including those with special needs. Work independently and as employee for organizations such as Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center, Brattleboro, VT; Venture into Well-being, Amherst, MA; Hampshire Education Collaborative programs in Turner’s Falls, MA; The Revolving Museum, Lowell, MA; Framingham Community Charter School, Framingham, MA; First Night Boston, Inc.; the Labrador Creative Arts Festival, Canada. Also produced, marketed and performed in original performance pieces and community-based parades (see bottom of pg. 2).

2007-2008   Aquatics Teacher and Lifeguard. Teach water aerobics, therapy and children’s swimming classes part-time at the Greenfield YMCA.

1999-2002    Activities Director, Mt. Ida Rest Home, Newton, MA. Developed and delivered enrichment programs including self-esteem and interpersonal skill-building councils, creative arts, gardening, and literature club activities for a population of multiple-special-needs and elderly residents. Tracked patients’ mental and physical health in logs. Residents showed a marked increase in their positive engagement with life and their physical well-being.

1992-1997             Program Coordinator, Educator and Special Events Developer. Commonwealth Zoological Society’s Franklin Park Zoo, Boston, MA.

Principle Role: Coordinated, budgeted and implemented a grant-funded interdisciplinary program called Zoom into Animals in 15 Boston inner city elementary schools. Taught mainstream and special needs classes. Collaborated with the Boston Public Schools central office, principals, teachers, and zoo staff. Recruited and trained volunteers to help teach and enhance programming.

Secondary Roles: Developed programming and taught 4 years of the Museum Institute for Teaching Science (MITS), an accredited seminar for K-8 teachers. Wrote grants and headed year-long pilot program, Arts and Animals. Helped institute and manage Jungle Dreams overnight adventure program. Led zoo into its first collaboration with and Boston’s Earth Day and First Night celebration and received award for the multi-racial and multi-generational community-building this project entailed. Supervised and trained volunteers including youth from City Year and docents in the Zoo’s education department.

1986-1992     Arts Integration and Experiential Education Teacher: Initiated unique team-building projects and arts-integration curricula while also teaching conservation and outdoor skills classes at Thompson Island Outward Bound, Boston, MA; The New England Home for Little Wanderers and Hillside Shelter, Department of Youth Services facility, Boston, MA. Taught in Head Start and other multi-cultural and special needs pre-school, after-school and camp programs in VT, ME, and MA.

     Fundraiser. Campaign organizer, public speaker, door-to-door and telephone fundraiser for Environmental Advocacy Groups such as League of Conservation Voters, Philadelphia, PA; Mass PIRG and GreenPeace, Boston, U.S.A.

Educational Background

2001                    M.A., Interdisciplinary Studies. Lesley University, Cambridge.  Specialization:
Arts, Multi-Cultural Education and Ecology as applied to Performance, Education and Community Building. Included performance training at N.Y.U. and research in Tennessee. My thesis was an interdisciplinary research and 3 Act theatre script which wove together personal, cultural, historical, economic, socio-political and mythical information about elephants; highlighting how their endangered species status is emblematic of the complex and critical relationships between human populations,  wildlife, and questions about reverence for life and use of resources.

1989                        B.A., Intercultural Relations. School for International Training, Brattleboro,VT. Thesis: The Arts as Tools for Social Change. Degree work included theatre and cultural studies in a radical Arab-Jewish Theatre and on a kibbutz in Israel, an internship at the Philadelphia Zoo in environmental education, and teaching children at the Cambodian Mutual Assistance Agency in Lowell, MA. Undergraduate studies also included Sociology studies at Oberlin College, OH; and Environmental and Theatre Studies at U. Mass., Amherst.

1980-2008    Continuing Education in Community Building, Non-violent Communication Practices, Special Needs Programming, the Arts, Environmental Advocacy and Deep Ecology through classes, apprenticeships, and intensive workshops.

Performances, Special Events and Festivals
2006-2008    Parade organizer, Performer, and/or leader at festival and fairs such as the the International Dance Parade in NYC; Mother’s Day Peacable Planet Puppet Parade in Northampton, MA;  the Green Fair and Green RiverFest in Greenfield, MA; First Night in Northampton, MA; The Folk Festival and SouthEast Asian Water Festival in Lowell, MA; The RiverFest in Shelburne Falls, MA; and The Solar Fest in Tinmotuh, Vt.

2004-2008    Producer, Director, Choreographer, and/or Performer:  Directed Bonnyvale Env. Ed. Center’s ( annual Forest of Mystery theatre event in Fall, 07. Performed a variety of short performance pieces at nursing homes throughout Franklin and Hampshire County, Performed  The Vagina Monologues, Feb. 2006, Bellows, Fall Theatre, VT. Grand Pele Dance, Oct. and Nov. 2005, at the Pushkin Gallery Opening, Greenfield, MA and at the Women’s Womb and Belly Conference at Sirius Ecovillage, Shutesbury, MA. Ashes and Sparks; a full-scale dance, and sacred theatre event Sept. 2005 at Earthdance, Plainfield, MA. Shadows on the Ground a Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemoration, Aug. 2005, A.P.E. Theatre, Northampton, MA; Inside-Out Women in the World multi-media piece, Oct. 2004 at the Florence Arts and Industry Building, Florence, MA; Heartbeat Trilogy, July 2004, Community Theatre, Westminster West, VT.; Bones, a site specific theatre/dance piece, May 2004 at Earthdance, Plainfield, MA.

    Producer and/or Performer of community events or dance and theatre shows:
“Elephants and the Seven Sacred Directions.” 2000-2004 one-woman dance/narrative with live music shown at venues ranging from the international San Francisco Kinship with All Life conference ( to First Night Boston and Omega Institute ( in 2002 to the Sacred Theatre Festival in NH. Assistant Artistic Director for All Souls, the Boston metropolitan artist-created multi-media event responding to Sept. 11, 2001 ( Co-director of the Kosovo Refugees Arts Benefit. Lead artist and workshop organizer for the Spy Pond Festival, July ’03. Dancer in Bill T. Jones’ performance project, Last Supper at Uncle Tom’s Cabin at the Emerson Majestic in Boston, MA. Dancer in Tarnation Improvisational Dance co. (, 2001-2002, Boston, Ma “War R Us” by Rozann Kraus, May 2003; “Passages”, an inter-generational piece produced in June, 2003 at Boston’s Museum of Science, and many other performances.

Travel Experience and Projects
2004 Mexico: study and participate in eco-village communities, ritual, and dance.
2002 Thai: help “Elephant Orchestra” CD project and create dance to music by elephants.
1993 Jamaica: study sub-tropical rainforest ecology and Jamaican theatre and culture.
1988 Israel: study avant-garde political theatre, archaeology, Hebrew, and kibbutz.
65-79 Live and travel in India, Europe, USA, and Mexico with my family.

Volunteer Work
’04-’08 Organizer and participant in development of community vision for Lupinwood.
’97-’08 Director for Earth Day Festivals, holiday parades and other community festivals.
’06-‘07 Events, mask-making, and organizational development with Five Rivers Council.
’96-’03 Lead Organizer/Artist, Friends of Spy Pond conservation group, Arlington, MA.
’95-’01 House Manager and Usher:  Dance Complex and Dance Umbrella, Boston, MA
’96-’98 Board of Directors, Dance New England, an organization for which I now teach.


Congratulations to Jane Wegscheider!

“A Table Set for Forever”
Honoring our Winner

Jane Beatrice Wegscheider 

All Contest Submissions



Trish Crapo

David Maynes

RJ Magoon

Lisa Ganci 

Nicholas Taupier

Cassandra Holden and Jill St. Coeur

Owen Williams
The Vegan Bus
Derek Goodwin

Jane Beatrice Wegscheider 

Garrett Connelly

Maya Apfelbaum

Jasmine Stine

 Leslie Cerier
Kelly Gallagher Kenneth Leaning
Erica Wheeler David Fessenden 





Art of Sustainability Judges – for Summer Art Contest 2008

Art of Sustainability Judges

Josh Simpson

Glass blown by Josh SimpsonJosh Simpson first experimented with glass when he was a student at Hamilton College in 1970. Over the last 35 years, his art has evolved as he experimented and learned from making countless mistakes. He has found inspiration in NASA images of Earth and other celestial phenomenon.

While he has been successful creating unique goblets, vases and bowls, perhaps his greatest satisfaction is derived from his planets: luminous glass spheres encasing kaleidoscopic landscapes, underwater scenes and vistas of outer space that reflect the Earth’s vastness and complexity. One of the Apollo astronauts glanced out of his spacecraft window on the way back from the moon and said “I can cover the Earth with my thumb.” Josh captures that concept by creating planets that can be held in one’s hand.

His latest project, creating the world’s largest glass paperweight, was a commission from the Corning Museum of Glass. The making of this Simpson planet was the subject of the high definition PBS documentary Defying Gravity. Weighing 107 pounds, the planet became part of Corning’s permanent collection in November 2006.

A 35 year retrospective, A Visionary Journey in Glass (1972-2007), opened at the Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, AL in April 2007 to great acclaim. The exhibit is traveling the country until 2010.

Josh has devoted himself to mastering all aspects of glassmaking by designing and building his own furnaces and tools, learning glass chemistry to create a spectrum of colors, and mastering ancient techniques of blowing and forming.

His work is in the permanent collections of many museums including the Boston Museum of Fine Art, the White House Collection of American Crafts, and the Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague. Most recently the Huntsville Museum of Art has honored him with a 35 year retrospective exhibit. Josh has had one-man shows all over the world, has taught at schools, museums, and workshops, and has had a lot of fun along the way.


Hillary Price


Rhymes With Orange has been syndicated since 1995 and the strip appears in newspapers internationally.  In 2006, the strip was awarded “Best Newspaper Panel” by the National Cartoonists Society.   Her latest collection of cartoons, titled “Pithy Seedy Pulpy Juicy” is now available in stores.  Hilary moved to the Pioneer Valley in 1998.  She lives with her partner Kerry LaBounty and several drooly animals.




Gina Beavers

Gina BeaversAfrican-American artist Gina Beavers grew up in Northern Ohio and now lives in Springfield, Massachusetts. She received her Bachelors degree in American History from the University of Pittsburgh and her Masters in the same subject from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Always an artist at heart, Beavers’ artwork is influenced by a myriad of artists–Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, however, is her favorite. Her paintings are a celebration of women posed in storybook settings, surrounded by peace and contentment.






Daniel Ross, Executive Director
Nuestras Raíces, Inc.
329 Main Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 535-1789

Daniel RossRecognized as a world-leading social entrepreneur with a lifetime fellowship from Ashoka – Innovators for the Public Good.  11 years as Director of Nuestras Raíces, a grass-roots organization to promote economic, human and community development in Holyoke, Massachusetts through projects relating to food, agriculture and the environment.   During this time the organization has developed an extensive network of community gardens, a youth farming and leadership program, an environmental justice program, an organic artisan bakery, beginning farmer training and incubator program with 30 acres of fertile farm land, and constructed the Centro Agrícola for community education and business development.  He has helped community members start over 20 sustainable small food and agriculture businesses.  Founding leader of the Holyoke Food & Fitness Policy Council (awarded a $4.5 million WK Kellogg Foundation grant in 2007), the Holyoke Youth Task Force and the Pioneer Valley Environmental Coalition (funded by the US EPA).  He has previous experience working with community health clinics in New Jersey, Florida and Massachusetts to develop migrant farm worker outreach programs with the East Coast Migrant Health Project.    Winner of the Do Something Brick Award for Community Leadership in 1999, Environmental Recognition from the City of Holyoke Conservation Commission in 2001, recognized for Leadership by the WK Kellogg Foundation.  Husband and father of 3 children, marathon runner and youth soccer coach.




David Starr, Community Organizer


GREEN Northampton
Green Action in Northampton
Northampton Schools Cooperative

Local Organizer

Earth Hour ‘08


CURIOUS PICTURES                   
Co-founded, marketed, managed  $35 MM entertainment company in NYC & SF TV production, animation production, advertising agency, toy company Over 200 employees
largest animation production company in US outside of California film directors  in California, Oregon, Toronto, NYC & UK supervised offshore production in Korea, Taiwan, China, India, Italy, Canada

Executive Producer for Television Series
The Offbeats
Sheep in the Big City
Cartoon Network
A Little Curious

CODENAME: Kids Next Door
Cartoon Network
Lavazza:  Caballero & Carmencita
Channel Sei in Italy
Six Movies for Mattel

Executive Producer of Four commercial films in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art


Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art    (current)


Chris Delmonte “Monte”

Monte is the voice of the WRSI radio “Green Team”—

Chris Delmonte “Monte” “Our goal is to use our airwaves and our website to foster a conversation on how to make our environment cleaner, safer, and more sustainable. By learning from one another, putting these ideas into practice, and by taking part in community cleanup actions, our hope is to make out Valley and our World greener.”









John Majercak—Director Center for Ecological Technology (CET) Re-store in Springfield

John Majercak is the founder and Director of the ReStore Home Improvement Center.. The ReStore is an enterprise of the Center for Ecological Technology (CET), where John is Associate Director. He has been employed there since 1991 and oversees project development and management, communications, development and strategic planning for CET. John has developed a variety of award-winning reuse, composting and recycling projects. He has contributed articles to nationally distributed trade journals including Resource Recycling and BioCycle magazines. John currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Building Materials Reuse Association and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s Organic Waste Advisory Committee. Past experience includes research and development in the bio-technology industry and work as a National Park Ranger in Wyoming and Hawaii. John received a B.A. in Biology from Cornell University.



Kristen Beam

Kristen BeamKristen is a ten-year resident of the Pioneer Valley. She came here as an AmeriCorps volunteer in 1998 – organizing clean-ups near local rivers and educating kids about watersheds, vernal pools and wetlands. Today, she makes her living as a Senior Producer at, where she has worked since 2003. She carpools to work with her fiance, in their fuel-efficient Honda Fit.











Rus Peotter, Vice President and General Manager, WGBY

Rus Peotter is responsible for the management of WGBY Springfield, the WGBH-affiliated public television station serving western Massachusetts, northern Connecticut and southern Vermont. He oversees all station functions including programming, production, development, engineering, and administration.

Peotter came to WGBY in 2001 from Maine Public Broadcasting, where he was in charge of the station’s fundraising, promotion, outreach, and audience service efforts since 1992. He has served on numerous PBS national committees, helping senior PBS management develop policies and services in support of stations across the country.


Art Contest Submission by Leslie Cerier

Streams of Light

by Leslie Cerier

Brief Description of Submission:

I propose to create a new series of impressionistic nature photographs and a new 3-minute digital story including these new images expressing the theme of sustainability.

A physics professor from Mount Holyoke College once told me upon viewing my work that I am photographing the natural refractory patterns of sunlight reflected over moving streams. These I call *jewels in the water and streams of light.

*I would carry on from *”Photographing the Jewels in the Water”,* the impressionistic nature photography series and the digital story that I created last year.  Please view it on my website:

The grant/funds will give me the money needed for materials to print 8 new images on large cotton canvases about 20 inches by 28 inches, printed with natural pigment inks, pay the person with the equipment to make the digital story, who happens to live in my neighborhood. (I will support the local economy, walk to her house with my script and digital files.) No need for driving and burning gas. I would also like to use the funds to buy a new point and shoot digital camera with more meta-pixels to enable me to print even larger, and I will continue the search to find the right person/place to print my work on fabric. (I have a lead of someone in Ashfield, MA.)

The funds will also be used to post this new series of photographs along with the digital story on sustainability on my website. Pay for bringing the work to be shown in galleries in locations throughout the Pioneer Valley. I have shown my work at the Forbes Library, Northampton, MA (2006) the Jones Library’s Burnett Gallery in Amherst (2007), and the Amherst Chamber of Commerce (2008). All venues would be happy for me to exhibit there again.

Using a point and shoot digital camera, printing the images on cotton canvases with pigment inks, I honor the earth and engage in sustainability by clicking my shutter when peak sunlight lights up the woods and shallow streams, sometimes using wind to move the water: natural energy.

No toxic chemicals are used to bring these images to life.

Most of these photographs are taken within walking distance of my Western Massachusetts home (another facet of the sustainability of this project). They are a celebration of the pioneer valley seen through the eye of my heart.

The sun calls me to a particular spot and I click the shutter when I see that rich, dancing light.

My photographs are about being so present in the moment that everything vibrates and shines. I see perfection in nature – patterns – artistic jewels that reveal themselves.

My photography is a reflection of the peaceful energy I find in the woods. Living in the moment, I capture beauty as I click the shutter.

These images can be looked at from different angles. There is no one right way to explore them. Please relax, take your time, have fun. I invite you to look for faces and figures; there are jewels in the water, and streams of light.