Third Annual
Celebrate Sustainability
Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network
Clarion Hotel, Northampton MA
Wednesday, 2/22/12
6 pm – 8 pm
Featured Speaker
Jonathan Lash, President Hampshire College
an internationally recognized expert on practical solutions to global sustainability and development challenges
- former Director World Resources Institute
- co-Chair President’s Council on Sustainable Development
- one of the 100 most influential people in Business Ethics and Finance
- profiled in Rolling Stone’s “Warriors and Heroes,” 25 leaders “fighting to stave off the planet-wide catastrophe.”
cost: $20
or $150 for a table of 8
and… hot off the presses…
come to celebrate and recognize the illustrious career and amazing accomplishments of our
first annual pvSustain
Award Winner….
Nancy Hazard
call Catherine (413/781-6045) or email ( to reserve your spot