2013 Guest Speaker Judy Wicks
Judy Wicks is founder of Philadelphia’s landmark White Dog Cafe, which she operated for 26 years, developing a national reputation for environmental stewardship, community engagement, and leadership in the local food movement. Under Judy’s proprietorship, White Dog purchased only humanely and naturally raised meat, poultry and eggs, sustainably harvested fish, and fair trade chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, coffee and tea. Other sustainable practices included recycling and composting, solar heated hot water, eco-friendly soaps and office supplies, and 100% renewable electricity.
In order to help build a whole local economy that supported these practices, Judy founded Fair Food and the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia, which she supported with twenty percent of business profits through her non-profit White Dog Community Enterprises.
Judy co-founded the nationwide Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) in 2001, and has become an international leader, speaker and author in the local living economies movement.
Judy has received numerous awards for combining business success and social action, including the James Beard Foundation’s Humanitarian of the Year and Inc. magazine’s 25 favorite entrepreneurs.
Her memoir, Good Morning, Beautiful Business: the Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local Economy Pioneer, was published by Chelsea Green in March, 2013.
Good Morning, Beautiful Business:
The Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local Economy Pioneer

Good Morning, Beautiful Business is a memoir about the evolution of an entrepreneur who would not only change her neighborhood, but would also change her world – helping communities far and wide create local living economies that value people, nature and place more than money. Focusing on what it takes to marry social change and commerce, and doing business differently, this inspirational book explores how entrepreneurs, as well as consumers, can follow both mind and heart, cultivate lasting relationships with each other and the planet, and build a new economy that will bring greater security, as well as happiness.
Copies will be on sale at the event!
Click here for more info about the book.