Oct 27th, 2010 – PVSustainability Network Meeting Notes
The Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network met on Wednesday October 27th from 9:00 to 12:00pm in Springfield. The meeting was at the large conference room on the second floor of PVPC at 60 Congress Street, Springfield, MA. 01104.
Minutes on the detailed page
Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network
Meeting #19 notes 10/27/10
Present: Catherine Ratté, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), Brian Markey, PVPC, Paul Hellmund, Conway School of Sustainable Design, Doug E. Wight, National Alliance of Concerned Americans for the Well-being of All People and Earth, John Bailey, Lupinwood Village-Greenfield, William Spademan, Common Good Bank, Kirsten Bonanza, Create Better Impact, Nancy Hazard, Greening Greenfield, Richard Keller, Amherst-Co-Housing, Eric Weiss, Hilltown Resource Management Cooperative, Joanne Sunshower, MAPOW/WBB, Rich Roth, Earththrives
Updates 9:00
PVPC www.pvpc.org , in collaboration with the Capitol Region Council of Government (CRCOG www.crcog.org ) in Hartford won $4.2 million to develop a regional sustainability vision and plan for the Knowledge Corridor, central CT to northern end of Pioneer Valley–abstract of grant application on website. The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG, www.frcog.org) and the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC, www.berkshireplanning.org) were also awarded grants. pvSustain wrote a letter of support committing to work with PVPC and other collaborators to make the proposed work successful. Funding will enable PVPC and collaborators to enhance existing regional plans: the Pioneer Valley Clean Energy Plan, Valley Vision, the region’s smart growth plan, the Plan for Progress-the region’s economic development plan, and the Regional Transportation plan. New plans to be developed are: climate action plan, food security plan, green infrastructure plan, water infrastructure plan, and a workforce development plan. Additional work proposed included leadership development and creation of a Virtual Sustainability Concourse as well as support funding for three catalytic projects in Springfield-Court Square re-development, Holyoke–, and Chicopee-the CT Riverwalk and Bike way segment. PVPC and CRCOG applied for $5 million and were awarded $4.2 million, so some of the proposed activities will not be possible. Work is anticipated to start in early 2011 and funding is for three years.
Greening Greenfield www.greeninggreenfield.org is continuing to coordinate and catalyze sustainable development in the city.
The Common Good bank www.commongoodbank.com is advancing ever closer to reality with a recently launched membership campaign. It will feature small lending modeled after the Grameen Bank.
Lupinwood Village is an aspiring community village in Greenfield, 23 acres with a 20 room mansion and possibilities for additional development/re-development. Has enough frontage to be a 60 unit zero energy solar village targeting teacher/healers, looking at co-housing as a model and eager to create an artist live/work community with an emphasis on sustainability.
Conway School is looking for studio projects and is also contemplating how to be more sustainable in practice as the campus is in Conway and necessitates a car for most students.
Kirsten Bonanza is now working on designing games and facilitating women’s business development and also looking to create an in-city sustainable retreat facility.
Resilient Business Summit is Saturday 11/13 from 10-3 at HCC.
Updates merged into a discussion of financing for all the great ideas people have. Creators of Lupinwood believe that with just $600,000 they could create their vision. Rich Roth pointed out how small business owners are just too busy, which is why he and others have organized the resilient business workshop-following up on the Sustainable Investment summit at the Summit house back in 2008.
Future meetings will have time on agenda for regular reports on the T-HUD grant progress.
Fall Event: 10:00 Joanne Sunshower
Sustainable Water Management Initiative 12/03 LUNCH in Holyoke from 11:00 – 2:00
Eric Weiss will call to invite elected representatives.
Joanne Sunshower will produce outreach material and PDF flyer.
Brian Markey will review outreach material
Brian Markey and Rich Roth will distribute outreach material.
Adjourn: 11:30