July 14, 2010

Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network Meeting #18
Wednesday, July 14th 2010
Greenfield Community College

270 Main Street,Conference Room # 120
Greenfield, MA


9:00-9:15 Coffee and breakfast available

9:15-9:45 Formal Networking­–Introductions around the room and each person presents updates for less than one minute on personal or professional project

9:45-10:30      Skill Building and Strategic Questioning

Led By Paul Lipke
Solicitation of volunteers and brainstorming for future strategic questioning topics

10:30-11:00 Present Current Sustainable Topic

Students for a Just and Stable Future Climate Summer outreach

11:00-11:45     Network Business

11:00-11:30     Annual Workshop Event Ideas
Find a speaker or event to sponsor
Focus on water quality issues
11:30-11:35     Membership Drive
11:35-11:40     Skills Bank
11:40-11:45     Art of Sustainability
11:45-12:00     Informal networking and snacks 12:00              Adjourn

Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network
Meeting #18 Minutes
Greenfield Community College
July 14, 2010. 9:00am-12:00pm

PVSN is a broad-based network of organizations and individuals who are dedicated to creating a just and sustainable future for the Pioneer Valley region. Our members include a broad community of sustainability activists and professionals working together
to create a flexible and effective regional model for actively advancing sustainability in the Pioneer Valley, which can be applied in other regions of the country.

Our mission is to strengthen our members’ ability to pursue sustainability and environmental equity effectively by:
-information and idea exchange
-collaborative approaches to problem solving and visionary thinking
– giving members the tools they need to integrate sustainable practices and scientific information into both regional and community decision-making.

Informal Networking

Formal Networking

Joanne Sunshower-Valley Time Trade
Erick Foltom-New England Climate Summer
Kate McGonagall-New England Climate Summer
Kara Kaughfman-New England Climate Summer
Brian Markey-PVPC staff of pvSustain
Dick Stein-Biochar
Judy Stein- Biochar
Paul Lipke- Health Care Without Harm
Eric Weiss-Hilltown Resource Management Cooperative (HRMC)
Laura Porter- Green Careers Center/ Holyoke Works
Catherine Ratte-PVPC staff of PVSustain
Sam Stegeman- PVGrows
Rich Roth-TNR Global and Earth thrives
Jono Neiger-Conway School and Regenerative Design Group
John Engel-Green Building Design
Sarah Fraga-Green Careers Intern
Rick Keller-Sustainability activist in Amherst

Skill Building

An educational session on Strategic Questioning/Search for Insight (SQ/SI) was led By Paul Lipke. Joanne Sunshower had volunteered to be the subject of the exercise focusing on helping her develop her ideas for a regional event on water. SQ/SI is an
open, dynamic, and judgment free method of questioning that results in clear action routes and exposes underlying beliefs. Good resource for more information can be found at www.ssne.org. Paul asked for a solicitation of volunteers and brainstorming
for future strategic questioning topics. Paul’s request will be included in newsletter.

10:30-11:00 Present Current Sustainable Topic

Catherine Ratté explained potential grant for a Regional Sustainability Plan. The up to $5 million grant is funded by Housing and Urban Development, and Environmental Protection Agency. PVPC will lead a regional application in collaboration with the
Capitol Region Council of Governments in Hartford CT. Additional key collaborators are the cities of Springfield, Holyoke, Chicopee and Hartford, United Way and Umass.
The grant will be used to create a regional sustainability plan that integrates housing, water quality, climate action, transportation, environmental and food issues into a unified document. Members unanimously decided to support PVPC’s application with a letter.

Students for a Just and Stable Future led a cheer as an ice breaker. They explained their role in Climate Summer outreach, as well as successes from last year. They hope to connect and expose regular citizens to climate action and to influence policy.
They have traveled by bike throughout Western Massachusetts. They will head to Holyoke and Springfield for public engagements next week. Good way to keep track of their movement can be found at www.NewEnglandClimateSummer.com.

11:00-11:45 Network Business
Sponsorship of Events Policy

Members present discussed an official policy on pvSustain sponsorship of events. It was decided that pvSustain will always sponsor or cosponsor events related to our mission put on by members of the network. If other groups or individuals contact us for sponsorship and there is tme to discuss the request at a regular meeting of the Network, we will use our standard policy of making decisions by consensus of members present—or majority vote if we can’t reach consensus. If it’s not timely to wait for a Network meeting, then the coordinating committee will decide the issue, by consensus, if possible or vote if not. Criteria for the decision will be congruence with pvSustain’s mission and guiding principles.

Annual Workshop Event Ideas
Joanne Sunshower will coordinate the development of a fall Members Event. The event will be along the lines of the Woody Tasch speech and dinner last fall in that it will only be open to dues paying members and it will be used as a carrot to encourage membership.
The event will focus on Water issues in the Pioneer Valley. Joanne is looking for others to help coordinate the event.

Membership Drive
Eric Weiss said he and coordinating committee will continue to reach out to potential members. Sam Stegeman said he will ask PVGows to consider membership.

Skills Bank
The online skills bank now has 5 member profiles. We want it to be the resource for all those seeking individuals with sustainable skills and knowledge in the Pioneer Valley.
Members were encouraged to complete their skills bank inventory.

Art of Sustainability
Finished it’s run at Agawam Senior Center. Now back in Springfield at PVPC. The installation has not yet been to Amherst. Jono Neiger will check if Leverett would like it. Laura Porter will check to see if Nuestras Raices would like it or if it can be hosted
by the Town of Williamsburg. Please contact Brian Markey if you want to host it, bmarkey@pvpc.org

Skill Building
John Engel agreed to lead a skill building session on Systems Thinking at the September 8th Meeting. Paul Lipke agreed to lead a skill building session on Change Logic at the November 15th meeting.

11:45-12:00 Informal networking and snacks

12:00  Adjourn

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