Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network Meeting #21
Wednesday, March 2nd 2011
Westhampton Library, 3 South Road, Westhampton, MA
Carpool using RIDEbuzz
RSVP to bmarkey@pvpc.orgo
9:00-9:30 Formal Networking: Go around the room and each person presents updates for less than oneminute on personal or professional project
9:30-10:30 Skill Building: Sustainable communications lead by Kirsten Bonanza. Connecting mission and message. The most effective manner to engage an audience, including tone, word choice, and presentation method.
10:30-10:55 Sustainability Topics:
News from around the region and country
10:55-11:25 Policy Update: The new Massachusetts Clean
Energy and Climate Plan for 2020. A guide for
Massachusetts to control energy costs, develop
economic opportunities, increase energy
independence, and combat climate change.
11:25-11:30 Art of Sustainability Display
11:30-12:00 Informal networking and snacks
12:00 Adjourn