Dec 3, 2010 – Annual Meeting: Future of Our Water

When: Fri Dec 3, 2010
Where: El Mercado, 413 Main Street, Holyoke MA. 01040.

Agenda: The event will consist of lectures, Q&A with experts, networking, small group breakout discussions, and lunch at El Mercado, 413 Main Street Holyoke, MA.


11am Informal Networking, hors d’oevres

11:30am Welcome Eric Weiss, Chair of pvSustain

11:35am Introduction of speakers byJoanne Sunshower

11:45am Andrea Donlon lecture followed by Q&A

12:10pm Julia Blatt lecture followed by Q&A

12:30pm Lunch

1:10 pm Break out group discussion

2:00pm Adjourn



Low Cost to Attend

The Annual Membership Event is open to all new and current pvSustain members. The cost to attend is $20 for the event plus your organizational membership renewal. Please respond by November 30th.


Please make checks out to PVRVC Inc. and send to:

PVPC Attention Catherine Ratte

60 Congress Street

Springfield, MA


Organizational memberships based on annual operating budget (AOP):
AOP >$1,000,000 may join or renew for  $500

AOP $500,000-$1,000,000 may join or renew  membership for $250

AOP <$500,000 may join or renew membership for $100


Individuals may join or renew on a sliding scale with a minimum of $25 and students may join for a minimum of $10


  • Julia Blatt (Exec Dir – Mass Rivers Alliance)
  • Andrea Donlon (River Steward – Ct River Watershed Council)

The Future of Water in Massachusetts

Clean water is essential for our lives and all of our activities. Julia Blatt, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Rivers Alliance and Andrea Donlon, a Massachusetts River Steward will speak about the challenges, opportunities, and future of our water resources.

Julia Blatt, Executive Director, Massachusetts Rivers Alliance.

This spring, over 50 river advocates discussed and voted to coordinate priorities for a statewide agenda. Julia will discuss what that means and the initiative and the progress of the state’s Sustainable Water Management Initiative. She is eager for your ideas about how Western Massachusetts’ perspectives can gain a higher profile.

Andrea Donlon, River Steward for Massachusetts, Conn. River Watershed Council

In an environment altered by climate change, the Connecticut River watershed will contain much of the Northeast’s remaining suitable habitat for species requiring cool water. Andrea will discuss the current and proposed uses by municipalities and particularly energy plants (biomass, natural gas, and nuclear) that impact the quality and quantity of our

Five new proposed energy plants–three biomass plants in Greenfield, Russell, and Springfield, and two natural gas and oil plants in Ludlow and Westfield will have an aggregate effect on water flow, temperature, and pollution that is not being assessed by the DEP.


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